Online Gatherings

Here is my current list of online gatherings. Please use the form below to sign up!

The Magic of EFT

Description: This amazing class will teach you everything you need to know about the most effective healing modality that dissolves life long trauma and all negative emotions in no time! I will walk you through all the ins and outs and lead you to emotional freedom.

Group Peace Intention

Description: The purpose of the Group Peace Intention gathering is to utilize the power of group focused energy to bring about love, peace, compassion, and healing to not only ourselves but the world. Considering the current conditions and state of our country and the world, many of us are left feeling powerless, worried, and fearful of outcomes we feel we have no control over. Through spiritual principles, connection to others, tapping into our divine nature, and the power of focused positive intention, we CAN bring peace to ourselves, our families, and our communities. Please join me in what will be our most positive step towards feeling more confident in the important roles we play in our conscious evolution.

Details: Meetings will be held via zoom on a monthly basis. Details will be sent via email and will be subject to change as the group begins and grows. We will meet for approximately 1 hour. I hope you will join me!

Cost: This is a free gathering

Chakra Therapy Healing Intensive

Description: The Chakra Therapy Healing Intensive class will be focused on healing the chakras and the emotions from traumas underneath. (Examples: fear, guilt, anxiety, self-esteem, jealousy, etc) We will be investigating what your specific traumas with this chakra are and focus on resolving those traumas using the highly effective modality called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). The goal is to completely heal the traumas associated with the chakra and get the chakra clear and balanced. This will lead to a life of increased peace, happiness, direction, and self love. You can read more about EFT here

Details: Each class will focus on one of the 7 major chakras. We will explore the qualities of the chakras, how and when they develop, and the negative outcomes that are possible from traumas during its development. We will use EFT individually as well as access the power of focused group energy for the ultimate healing experience. Each Chakra class will meet for 3 weeks and will be 90 minutes each class.

Cost: $150 (You will receive a separate invoice to pay prior to the start of the class)

Start date: The first chakra class will start January 2024.